Still not sure what I might entitle my daily diary, but thanks to those of you who offered helpful suggestions yesterday – much appreciated. Before I decide, in the meantime and today, I’m calling it the Daily Echo because that is all I seem to do. Holler the words into a void and they echo back at me. Ah, well. It’s the thought wot counts, as they say.
Today has been a lovely day – slow start but gathered pace once the Sutton Sleaths arrived at lunchtime. Michael is still trying to get his literary review sorted out and it’s proving to be as stubborn as an ass. It doesn’t help that he’s absolutely worn out with thinking about it, so his brain isn’t functioning quite as well as it might otherwise. I am at a loss as to know how to help other than look after the rest of the family for him. Prayers anyone?
We were up at a reasonable time today and wafted about this morning. I was kicking myself for not making the trip round to Pete and Dawn’s with birthday offerings – belated in Dawn’s case, and would-have-been-on-the-day in Pete’s case, but will now be late. Another case of, ah well, it’s the thought wot counts, I think….
John hasn’t felt quite so bright and breezy today, although he did spend a significant amount of time grovelling on the floor and grappling with the dishwasher. For some unfathomable reason (until today, that is) the dishwasher decided to ‘walk’. It’s perambulations meant that the door was sticking each time we tried to open it. Eeeh, dear, 21st century problems… poor us….
Anyway, it transpired that John needed to order a new part to rectify the situation. So, onto the computer he went, and spent a good while researching before he finally found the right thing to order – I think, anyway. I was too busy playing to take a fat lot of notice.
I was either dandling the baby or playing with William or petting the dog. All activities that I thoroughly enjoyed. After lunch, Thomas was popped into his pram for a nap when it was everyone’s nap-time. Similar scenario to the other day, when William was asleep, Danielle had nodded off and John was a-snoozing, too. This time, I was still awake, as was Thomas. Little monkey. He wasn’t fretting – he was just bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I know, I thought, I’ll take him for a walk in the pram and he’ll soon drop off to sleep. Ha! No chance. He was wide awake all the way round the Yellow Brick Road – almost grinning at me and challenging me as to who was in charge. Well, he was, of course.
Once we were home, I lifted him from his pram and wandered out into the garden to see if he’d fall asleep in my arms. Erm… no. Just taking it all in and gurgling at me. We had quite a conversation, all told. He still wasn’t asleep by the time William got up and had woken Danielle from her slumber. Sixth sense then, of course, when Mummy is awake. Food!!! So, he did start to fret a bit then and I handed him over, swapping one child for the next.
William and I had a lovely play in the garden with Chester as company. We played on the swing, down the slide, up the hill, by the pond and into the woods, where the blackberries were growing. The sun was shining, the air was warm and we were able to just relax at our leisure, wandering about, no deadlines, no essential thing to do – fabulous. Michael came out, taking a break from brain-fug and played ‘tig’ with William and it warmed my heart to hear them both giggling as they chased round the garden. Grandpa joined in as a spectator, too.
Meanwhile, Danielle was busy in the kitchen preparing the evening meal for us all. A delicious vegetarian moussaka. We all wolfed it down, but William decided ‘No, thank you,’ and pushed his plate away. No amount of trying to persuade him to eat worked so we left it, hoping he’d eat of his own accord. He didn’t, and didn’t eat anything else before he went to bed. I don’t think he was really hungry, because he wasn’t hankering after anything else at all. Aren’t kids unpredictable?
After we’d eaten, Michael went back to his studies, John had another snooze, Danielle put William to bed and I did bath and bedtime story with William. And that was the evening pretty much come and gone. Apart from the studying bit, I think it was a nice evening for everyone. Certainly helped to have had a Magnum each as our dessert today.
The news today continues to be focusing on the ‘A’ level results debacle and the lack of honour amongst thieves – sorry, sorry – politicians. It seems that nothing is a resignable offence these days. COVID-19 features in a more minor way and the hysteria has died down. That doesn’t mean to say it’s gone away, with 1,089 people confirmed as infected today, 12 deaths in the community and two in hospitals on Saturday.
Enjoy the remaining days of summer everyone. God bless.
Hi Anne, I’m here ‘wave’, always read your blog, you are not alone
Ahhh…. thank you, Carol!!
I’m here too, always read your blog, better than the paper some days!!
THank you Gloria – glad it’s not totally into the void, then!!
*waves* Only got the one email but always read how your day went.
Thank you for reading – I see the occasional ‘like’ on Twitter and thank you for your replies sometimes. Must add you to the circulation list again then. _ I thought you were on it, but will check.
I will pray for Michael as I do for you all. A holiday by the sea should help him clear his brain but what a slog this has been for him.
I, too, am one of the silent majority reading the blog daily, glad to hear you are all keeping well and saying safe xxx
Thank you Dawn – much appreciated.
I enjoy reading the Sleath Chronicles daily, although I am missing the daily bulletins about your Mum’s adventures round the house! Hope she’s settled back ok now. Cx
Thank you Carole – I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to let me know. And yes, Mum is going OK back at her flat, thank you!!