On the mend….

Well, tablet-gate is over and John is feeling much better now that he is taking his pills! Phew! He didn’t do a great deal yesterday and had a slow start today but he has been out working on the car on both days. So we’re back on track.

I didn’t do a great deal yesterday either, other than plough on with the tidy-up round the house and do some ironing. I am such a messy worker and have strewn things all around over the last few weeks whilst I’ve been decorating. Thought it best to start putting things away….. including clothes from the ironing pile.

But the best medicine? A text message that looked like this:

Whoop! Whoop! was my response. I was so excited that I promised to go to the station to pick the boy up. Regrettably, I mixed up the train times and arrived fifteen minutes late, by which time Andrew had had time to walk up the hill, dive in to the Brickmakers’ Arms and down a pint of Guinness.

I managed to catch up with him at the shops. “You didn’t have to collect me, you know, Mum,” he said, grinning at me from ear to ear and in that tone that patted me on the head. “I know,” I replied. “But I wanted to….” And, as I explained later, collecting him would mean that I didn’t have to wait a second longer than I had to, to see him again.

We had a lovely evening together. I proposed we watch a film but, in the end, we watched trash before John and I crashed out of the running around ten o’clock, leaving Andrew to choose a film/programme he fancied.

I think he must have gone to bed late because he was still in bed at lunchtime today. John and I had done our morning chores, had our lunch and were ready for a nap ourselves by the time he got up! Hehehe.

We did have a nice sit down with a cuppa this morning though. Father Peter called on us, which was a nice surprise. We stopped what we were doing and settled down for a lovely natter. Really enjoyed the conversation and felt blessed with a prayer just before Peter left. “I’m off to the tip now!” he grinned. “Enjoy!” we responded. We do love a good tip trip.

This afternoon, all was excitement (well for me, anyway) as the dining room furniture arrived. Two wonderfully polite and competent men brought the goods in, assembled the table and arranged the chairs. “Lovely,” I said. “Let me show you how to open it out,” one of them said, and he carefully showed me the button to press and how to swivel the leaf to lengthen the table. Then they packed up, ready to go.

Andrew said he thought it was very nice but it wasn’t going to be much good when there were lots of people round, as there were only six chairs. Oh, yes! I hadn’t noticed that!! “Didn’t we order 8 chairs?” I queried. “No,” replied the delivery man, “six chairs,” he said firmly.

Of course it transpired that we had ordered eight chairs. And yes, they did have the other two chairs on the van. And so they brought them in. Phew! Thank goodness for Andrew and his eagle eyes! I’d have let the men drive away…… oh, Lordy, I need a minder to keep me on track!!

John came in to have a look. “Show me how it opens,” he said. Ha! Could I remember a) where the button was; b) which direction to pull the button in; and c) how to swivel the leaf? Err…. that’d be a ‘no’ then.

We pulled, pushed, pressed and wheedled to no avail. Finally, Andrew solved it and we opened the table up. But the swivel leaf? Hmm…. well, you need to be strong to press that in to turn it. Am I strong? Err….. that’ll be a ‘no’ then. Andrew to the rescue again. I definitely need that minder!!!

It’s not the best photo, but here it is – we can now sit together an eat!

We had plans to entertain this evening, so I took Andrew across to the Kenilworth Newbies where he cooked the evening meal and generally entertained the children because that’s what Uncles do. I think they had a lovely time together and Uncle Andrew was roped in to read the bedtime story……. apparently the book was hard. Chuckle, chuckle. The kids look engrossed anyway!

Meanwhile, Margaret and Chris, friends from church, came round this evening to drink Prosecco and wine and eat a few nibbles. We had a good laugh together and properly chewed the cud about all sorts of things. Such a pleasure to be in their company and we thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Just before bed, I thought I’d investigate the situation with the alarm that was beeping its blooming head off on the solar panel system. It had started at 2.30 this afternoon but, what with one thing and another, I hadn’t had chance to clamber up into the loft. I did the usual thing of switching it all off and on again but it ain’t playing. Booo. Ah, well, a job for tomorrow. *Sigh*

Susie Dent’s Word of the Day yesterday was ‘fremescence’ (19th century): a slow-building roar; a growing sense of unease or dissatisfaction. Hmm………spot on. Shall be phoning the solar panel company tomorrow.

Take care everyone. God bless.

2 thoughts on “On the mend….”

  1. How beautiful to have a wonderful surprise. Nothing like seeing your children whether expected or not.

    Look after yourselves.

    All my love.

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