We pottered about yesterday, dealing with dining room-related things. John cut holes in the floorboards to investigate where the pipes went for the newly-sited radiator, while I nipped off to the carpet shop and to B & Q to see what I could find.
We have decided on the wallpaper and possibly the paint colour but, when I brought the paint samples home, none of them seemed right. I took all bar one back again and brought more samples home. I have yet to splash any of them on the wall though to see whether we like them. Maybe tomorrow.
Today has been a very lovely day with George and Sue. They came for lunch and to watch the Grand Prix with us. We did have a good time. It was a very exciting race one way and another. And, after all these years of knowing George, I found out something new: he likes to watch tennis. Well, that went down well with me!! So, we watched a bit of Wimbledon, too – that is, until our conversation took over and we switched the TV off. We do like a bit of a debate……
The weather has been brooding all day and the sun has played hide and seek. Plans for a barbecue were shelved and we stayed indoors to keep warm to eat our roast chicken but, with the windows open, it was a bit breezy, even indoors!
It was great to have company today. Ever grateful for such good friends.
Take care everyone. God bless.
1 in 24 people are catching COVID now, I hear – it’s still on the up. Mask up when you can.