Start of the week

Monday. The start of the week. And let’s hope it’s the start of a better week. I am due to be in the dentist’s chair tomorrow lunchtime, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that he’ll be able to sort me out. Not looking forward to it at all. It’s very rare that I make a visit to the dentist for an ailment – normally it’s just checks-ups and planned fillings s/he’s found – but this is different, so I am a little nervous.

We haven’t done much again today, although John has battled with installing a new motorised valve on the central heating pump. We have had warm radiators over the summer, even when the heating has been switched off, so he’s had a go at fixing it. There was a bit of puffing and panting and grumbling that he couldn’t see the finer points of the installation but, it looks like he’s done it! Mister ‘I-Will-Not-Be-Beaten‘ has done it again.

We had a drive into Kenilworth too, to drop a couple of Andrew’s suits into the cleaners. That perked John up. He’d been thinking that he might be sitting in his chair all day otherwise. And it was such a lovely day, wasn’t it? The sun was shining and it was mild. Very nice.

I did a little bit of pottering about this morning but, to be honest, any effort seems to make my tooth ache even more, rather than taking my mind off it! So I did the right thing, and sat down for a while. I think I’m beginning to turn into a couch potato………

We are not keen on our energy ebbing away, to be honest – we might, just might be feeling our age, which isn’t what we want at all. I mean, we were going to live forever, weren’t we? We weren’t going to have any of this horrible old-age lark, for sure. But here we are – doing our best, but slowing up, darn it! Or maybe I just feel like that because I haven’t felt well? That’s a nice thought – I might hang onto that.

On the COVID front, fewer people tested positive for the virus – could this be because the schools are out? Who said kids didn’t catch/transmit the disease? At the moment, most of the infections are among school-age children who then pass it to their families, I understand. Those infected numbered 36,567; deaths were 38 in the community and 21 in hospitals in the previous 48 hours. Over 1,000 people were admitted to hospital today.

Let’s keep on, keeping on, folks. Take care and God bless.

Oh, by the way, the word of the day is ‘flenching’ (19th-century Scots): promising an improvement that never quite materialises.

5 thoughts on “Start of the week”

  1. Well that was a nice surprise, my computer seems to be letting me post straight on to your blog again! Woo hoo!! Long may it last😊 xx

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