A Lazy Day

We made a conscious decision, today, to do absolutely nothing. Not even cook. Had fish and chips for tea.

I don’t know why, but I have felt weary today – I don’t know if it’s the aftermath of reading Shuggie Bain yesterday or maybe a touch too much alcohol on Sunday. What do you reckon? Well, I’m blaming the book but, as a precaution, I thought I’d take some Andrew’s liver salts this evening……

Although the weather wasn’t too bad today and there was a little bit of sunshine this morning, I wasn’t tempted outside hardly at all. In fact, I was feeling so ‘nesh’ this evening that we decided to light a fire to warm us up and offer a golden glow.

While I spent time reading a book, watching daytime TV, scrolling social media and chatting to friends on Messenger and WhatsApp, John was a bit more industrious. He sent in the application to renew his driving licence; he phoned up to confirm his tickets for a planned visit out and played a spot of poker. He also laid and lit the fire – no mean feat, as he had to gather the wood in from outside.

I am hoping I can find a bit more energy tomorrow – all this lazing about is exhausting!!

The COVID news is no different, so I feel like I am just on a repeating loop of permanent despair over it. I remain anxious that the children may catch it – or Andrew, who is not yet vaccinated. Still behaving like a Mother Hen, I’m wanting to prevent an infection or accident, just like I did all those years ago when our kids were little. But I know there is nothing I can do about it and it’s not my responsibility. However, I did sign the petition for ventilation in schools……. which I now believe has been actioned. Hurrah! That’s something at any rate.

The numbers then: 30,838 people tested positive for the virus in the last 24 hours; 174 people died in the community; 60 people died in hospitals on 22 & 23 August. It’s just too many.

Also on my prayer list, of course, are all those people who fear for their lives in ‘struggle-for-power’ countries, especially those in Afghanistan at the moment. I hope and pray that all those who come to this country will be warmly welcomed and our hard-liners on the right learn some humility to accommodate them.

On a brighter note, I caught a bit of the opening ceremony for the Paralympics today and was absolutely thrilled to see the Olympians happy, smiling faces as they walked into the Olympic Stadium, so proud to be representing their countries. I love it, and I can’t wait to be watching the action over the next couple of weeks.

Take care everyone. God bless.