It was supposed to be foggy…

I thought I might not want to get out of bed this morning, anticipating a foggy and chilly morning, only to find the most beautiful sunrise happening outside my back door and no frost. I love it when the weather people get it rather wrong. I was disappointed though, in a way, as I’d been hoping to go for a walk but cancelled it thinking of the expected poor weather. Ah, well, maybe tomorrow.

The decorating was beckoning all day so that’s what I did. Of course, it’s taking far longer than I anticipate and there are always the little things to take care of, like unfastening an electrical socket from the wall so it can be painted round, or re-fastening the light fitting to the ceiling, or unhitching the doorstop so you can paint the skirting board. Honestly, it’s never-ending.

Despite the never-endingness of the decorating, it’s been a good day and I have got on quite well. The only thing is, that having promised myself a bit of a chocolate respite, I now find myself thinking about it all day. So much so, that this afternoon, I decided that I’d have a Magnum. That’s ice-cream, right? Doesn’t count as chocolate, does it?

The Magnum was a treat, and it soothed the raw feelings of ‘what the hell are we all doing right now?’. My mind flits from one thing to another at the drop of a hat, and I’m doing well concentrating on this particular project for, maybe, a couple of hours, then I go into freefall and start wishing it was finished already so that I can relax and swan about like a lady of leisure. Ah, well, that’ll be another ‘maybe tomorrow’ scenario, then.

John, however, has swanned about like a man of leisure mostly, today. He had another good go at watching some of the programmes we’ve got recorded on the TV planner this morning before he had to go for an ECG this afternoon. I was grateful to him though because, while he was out, he took the opportunity to collect some wallpaper paste and more paint for me. He has his uses….tee-hee!!

Once he was back, he got to tinkering with his car, which I was pleased about. He’s still fitting the doors, which are proving a bit troublesome, I think. And he tells me that the back quarter-light window is smaller (or was it bigger?) than the aperture, so he’s got to have a good think about how he’s going to do that. Keeps him off the streets, anyway!

After our evening meal, John continued the trend of TV watching and playing catch-up on programmes, while I had a lovely chat to the women who make up the little book club I am part of. It was great to talk about the books we had read and share the ones we thought others might enjoy. They are all voracious readers and have plenty to offer me as someone who is still struggling to read on a regular basis. Afterwards, I joined John in watching aother programme in the series about Oscar Pistorious- still fascinating stuff.

So, that was Friday, Day 23 of Lockdown 2 – just so you know…. although I am not sure why I am counting the days now, since it’s going to go on…. and on….and on!

Today’s figures for those who have been infected with the virus, just for the record, is 16,022. There have been 521 deaths among people within 28 days of having contracted the virus in the community, and over the last couple of days there have 218 deaths in hospitals.

And in better news, Lily is recovering nicely from her infection, and Andrew has had a second test and finds he is COVID negative. That’s good then. We do love a false positive, don’t we?

Anyway, take care everyone – God bless – here’s us, enjoying our Magnums……

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