It’s all kicking off….

Wherever you look there is something happening. Whether it’s in the States or here in the UK, there is some drama unfolding every day. And here, today, there was a bit more drama on a family level.

Thomas, atop Michael’s lap, managed to bring a hot cup of tea down upon him this morning. Fortunately, his parents’ quick-thinking averted a serious injury, but not before the paramedics were called to check what damage had been done. It didn’t need a trip to hospital, but it did need lots of TLC and a few deep breaths. Horrible thing to happen.

Then, just as we are sort of thinking, OK, let’s meander through the day, there’s a message from the Kenilworth Sleaths that infers that COVID might be lurking in their home. Yet to be confirmed, of course, but Lily was unwell yesterday, and her friend, with whom she walks to school, has been tested positive for the virus. Oh. Ah. Hmm…. fingers crossed that if it is the dreaded lurgy, she doesn’t feel too unwell with it and gets well soon; and doesn’t pass it on to the rest of the household. Or us. Or anyone else.

Other than that, we have had a day of medical stuff really. We were up early to get to Heartlands for John to have an infusion of immunoglobulin. “I’ll go back home,” I said. “OK,” John replied, “but I don’t think I’ll be as long as the last time, so you might want to hang about?” No. I didn’t want to hang about. I took the drugs that John no longer needs to the pharmacy for disposal, then headed home.

At home, I popped up to the pharmacy to collect my own drugs then went home for a belated breakfast. I sat on the sofa with a cup of tea. Ah… the sofa is always soooo inviting. I stayed sitting on the sofa for a goodly while, surfing social media and playing an e-scrabble game. Then, looking at the time, I thought I ought to get a wriggle on as John would be phoning me any minute to go and collect him. I just about managed to finish tidying the lounge and vacuuming in there when he rang. “Ready?” Ummmm…. OK, on my way.

We were just on our way back when Paneesha rang. It was a scheduled telephone consultation but, of course, we were in the car. We stopped so that we could concentrate. Lots of stuff about checking on John’s chest – and would he take part in a trial to double check that he hadn’t had COVID unknowingly? Always one to support research, he naturally said yes, so that involved more telephone conversations later on in the day, and ‘when you come in next week to see so-and-so, can you call in to see us afterwards, please?’

Once we were home, John settled on the sofa, feeling tired from a poor night’s sleep last night, and the after-effects of the infusion. He was buoyed up by the postie arriving with more parcels however, and the errant brownies, that Christiana had baked, finally arrived. I think he’s eaten most of them already…..

I had promised myself that, before embarking on decorating the former-office-cum-snug-cum-gym, I would clear out the utility room so that I had a bit of a fresh start. That took me all afternoon, more or less. And then I started humping the things from the ‘room-to-be-decorated’ to new places, so that I can get at everything. All good.

And this evening, it was quiz night. Another great evening and another fabulous set of questions. It is just so lovely to be among a group of non-judgemental people who don’t care if you know the answer or not because someone else will, even if you don’t. At the interval, I popped to get a drink “What are you going to have?” John wondered. I thought I might get something alcoholic. Well, that was it then. We wellied the Grey Goose that John had been given for his birthday/. It was delicious. To be fair, John wellied it more than me…..

So, COVID. You are a bit too close to home. Christiana has had to have a test and is now self-isolating, having visited someone at home who has since been confirmed as infected. Lily is in bed poorly, having been in close contact with a friend who has been confirmed as positive. What to do, folks? On the prayer list – that’s all I can do just now.

Ironically, the figures of people infected is down again today at 19,609. Deaths are still high at 529 in the community, and 171 in hospitals over the last couple of days.

Keep your distance. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Ventilate your work space or home space when others are in it….. I’m a broken record, I think. I wonder if anyone is listening?

Stay safe everyone. God bless.

6 thoughts on “It’s all kicking off….”

  1. I’m listening. Thank you for the updates.
    So glad the brownies arrived and weren’t past their best (obviously!)

    Fingers crossed for Lily’s speedy recovery and no onward transmission.

  2. Oh my goodness, what a day! Glad little Thomas is okay and sincerely home that Lily is ok and recovers soon.
    Take care both of you and don’t work toooo hard 🙂

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